

Nanni Bassetti (Bari - Italy) - CAINE and NBCAINE Project Manager and Developer

SPECIAL thanks to:

Emanuele Slusarz

Dott. Michele Giorgio
for having solved the issue with the installer, his patch will be in Caine 13.0 - he wrote his master degree thesis about this topic.

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Michele Giorgio, Cosimo De Pinto, BlueMonkey 4n6, Jiri Ruml, Angelo De Florio, Fabio Terrone, Alessandro Farina for their help in testing.

Many thanks to:

John Lehr
Maxim Suhanov
KrisztiƔn Kende
Lorenzo Faletra (ParrotOs) for his tips

2014 - Caine has a new logo, thanks to Mr. Nino Salvati.

Thanks to:
Hans-Peter Merkel

Caine twinships:

Parrot Security OS

Trusted users and collaborators/testers:

Aniello Luongo
Antonio Francesco Gentile and Francesco Sergio Pisani
Antonio Lattarulo
Raul Capriotti
Lorenzo Faletra
Andrea Pellegrini
Andrea Lazzarotto
Alessandro Farina
Erik Tews
Clint Baker
Nino Salvati
Enrico Ardizzoni & Enrico Cavalli (GARR MIRROR)

Old versions collaborators and testers:

Gianfranco Costernaro
Francesco Busto

Luigi Piciocchi
Burkay Sucu (Turkish translator for Caine's Interface report)
Stefano Menozzi (Caine on VMWare)
Joe Cicero
Stefano Vinto
Tony Rodrigues

Web site design and maintained by Nanni Bassetti.


CAINE Project History

Desktop1 Desktop2

CAINE offers a complete forensic environment that is organized to integrate existing software tools as software modules and to provide a friendly graphical interface.
The main design objectives that CAINE aims to guarantee are the following:

  • an interoperable environment that supports the digital investigator during the four phases of the digital investigation
  • a user friendly graphical interface
  • a semi-automated compilation of the final report
We recommend you to read the page on the CAINE policies carefully.