Manual and Policies
15/12/08 16:45 Filed in: News
CAINE and the blogosphere (updated).
Bootable CD-ROM and Virtual Machine toolkits (ENG)
NebraskaCERTCSF - Free Forensic Tools (ENG)
CAINE - A digital forensic project on Live CD (ENG)
Recuperar ficheros borrados desde Ubuntu Linux (SPA)
CAINE, LiveCD GNU/Linux para Informática Forense (SPA)
Novos Live CDs (SPA)
CAINE, um LiveCD para informática forense (PORTO)
CAINE, LiveCD GNU/Linux para Informática Forense (SPA)
Computer Aided INvestigative Environment (CAINE) y Buenas Prácticas (SPA)
http://www.secorvo.de/security-news/secorvo-ssn0812.pdf (GER)
CAINE, LiveCD GNU/Linux para Informática Forense (SPA)
Bootable CD-ROM and Virtual Machine toolkits (ENG)
NebraskaCERTCSF - Free Forensic Tools (ENG)
CAINE - A digital forensic project on Live CD (ENG)
Recuperar ficheros borrados desde Ubuntu Linux (SPA)
CAINE, LiveCD GNU/Linux para Informática Forense (SPA)
Novos Live CDs (SPA)
CAINE, um LiveCD para informática forense (PORTO)
CAINE, LiveCD GNU/Linux para Informática Forense (SPA)
Computer Aided INvestigative Environment (CAINE) y Buenas Prácticas (SPA)
http://www.secorvo.de/security-news/secorvo-ssn0812.pdf (GER)
CAINE, LiveCD GNU/Linux para Informática Forense (SPA)
Master with CAINE
17/11/08 08:09 Filed in: News
CAINE has been chosen as lead distribution in the post-graduate Master of Digital Forensics by Studiodelta (see Project area).